Friday 8 July 2016

AWESOME and COOL Medieval Festival! GuimarĂ£es, first capital of Portugal (Part I)

This trip to Guimaraes was so awesome, that it doesn't fit into one blog.

On the way to the train station, there was a gift shop that had really cool statues that were religious but also not. There was a spiderman St. Anthony!

and a batgirl virgin Mary!

Across from the train station is one of the many tourist gift shops run by Indians or Bangladeshis 

When we got to Guimaraes, there's a famous saying on a wall that says "Here Portugal was born"

Town square with a fountain in the middle

One really cool thing was that there was a HUGE medieval festival going on that day. It was the last day of it, and it was happening all over the town!

There were hundreds of booths selling things that they would have sold in medieval times, like spices...

and sausages....

and pastries....

and this is me buying some awesome homemade cheese!

We turned the corner at the medieval fair, and there was a shop selling crepes, but no one was there. They had this cool stove that they made crepes on, but it was medieval style with pans hanging over a fire.

I took a bad picture of two people dressed as knights, but I think it cost money to take a picture of them. 

Here's another pastry stand with a cool medieval sword on the table. They were selling coffee liquor.

At the end of the culinary part of the fair, were some people roasting a whole pig on a spit. 

Here's the entrance to souvenir part of the fair.

When I got there, I was really happy because they had a lot of cool toy swords and axes.

This is me with one of them...

and a battleaxe!

Here's a shield on the table next to a skull with a helmet on.

I almost screamed when I saw this thing!

Here's me holding a sword and shield. *battle cry!*

Another shield and sword!

This actually made me scream!

We went to another shop that was selling real metal weapons and not just wooden ones, and they had a cool cross-bow.

Victormama wanted to buy a pair of these. 

Here's me holding a war hammer.

One place was selling shofars or ram's horns that you blow into,

Another place, mommy wanted to get me one of these cool leather lock journals, but they were too much.

Some more wooden swords with a helmet on one. 

Here's me wearing that helmet! Scary!

#fullbodyarmor RAAAAH!

After all the excitement, we went to a pastry stand and got a famous Portuguese sweet called "heaven's bacon." It had no bacon in it, but it was yummy!

Cod cakes

Heaven's bacon was covered in powder, so after eating this thing, my face was a mess.

I wanted this, but mommy said it wasn't for sale. It's a cool leather torso that people would have used back then.

Hey, I'm Robin Hood/pouty face.

Three cool sticks that look like the entrance to hell!

The next section of the festival was like "a day in the life of medieval times"

Here are people demonstrating how to wash clothes, but in a medieval way

This is a bellows

Cool chainmail stuff

and jewellery

Mom thought this was real, but it was a pelt

Freaked out? I thought this was a bear skin at first, but it's just a sheep

Here's a pot that has sheep's wool in it, and they're letting it sit in the process of making yarn.

This is after they've dyed it.

There was also a loom.

Here are some delicious looking fruits!

Yet another pig, but with his head still on!