Friday 26 July 2013

Arjun's India and China Summer Adventures July 3-12

We went on a bullet train on a trip from Shanghai to Beijing. It took only 5 hours!
This is picture inside the bullet train car.

This is a chocolate filled bun from a bakery called Wedome in Beijing.

I wasn't awake for this, but we went to see a concert at the Beijing Conservatory of Music. It was a santoor player and tabla player.

We went on a tour to the Great Wall, and on the way, we saw the CCTV company building.

Here's another big building in Beijing

This is mommy snoozin' and me sitting up on the bus tour to the Great Wall. I think it's pretty cool that mommy is sleeping.

This is the platform of the bottom of the very famous Great Wall. I climbed up to the very top until we got to the part where the public was not allowed. In our tour group, I was the first one on top of the wall. People caught up to me, but I was still the first.

Daddy one of the passageways up to the top of the wall.

See the castle right there? That's where I went.

That is a girl named Rachel that I made friends with on the tour.

Me and daddy sitting on the edge of the Great Wall

Me and daddy very far from the castle where I walked. We were pretty sweaty!

Me and mommy on the Great Wall

After the Great Wall we went to the Emperor's Tomb. This is the gate to the museum that has the Emperor's Tomb.

This is me at the Emperor's Tomb

We went to Tiananmen Square, and this is me wearing an umbrella hat. 

This is a Chinese Popsicle tasting like really juicy bubblegum.

This is the Chinese army, marching and marching and marching right in front of the Forbidden City next to Tiananmen Square

Mommy, daddy, and Victormama. Mommy and Victormama are standing under a handheld umbrella, and daddy is standing under a head held umbrella.

This is a picture of Mao Zedong at Tiananmen Square

This is a big bush inside Tiananmen Square.

 This is a long dad asked a Chinese man to have his picture taken with him, which is not in the blog. Then I got my picture taken with the guy. And this is embarrassing, but a group of girls saw us and wanted to be in the picture, too, so this is the group of girls, the Chinese man, and me.
 This is me holding another bubblegum flavored Chinese Popsicle and daddy's orange cream Popsicle. I'm holding it in an "X" which it the symbol for the Chinese number 10.
More Tiananmen square pictures

This is inside the metro line in Beijing.

This is the summer palace in Shanghai

This is a very fancy Chinese roof design on the Summer Palace

I'm wearing a cardboard hat that you can fold.

This is my daddy wearing the hat and posing as Buddha.

This is an egg, chili sauce pancake that me and daddy ate.

This is me overlooking a pedestrian crossing bridge in Shanghai

This is me on top of the big steep bunkbed on the train back to Shanghai. We took an overnight train. Each person on the train got their own pair of slippers, blankets, sheets, and poop filled pillows. Well, not human poop, but silk worm poop which is very expensive. We also each had our own tv screen and remote and reading light, and a compartment door that locks. It was awesome!

This is mommy at a mall in a restaurant in Shanghai and she's eating a big chili pepper.

Di Niang Dumpling restaurant

This is a fancy wall decoration in a mall.

This is me at Jo-Jo's aunt's house eating tapioca balls

These are all insane flavors of Chinese Lays potato chips.

This is Victormama with my mom's blue and purple umbrella

This is me and Victormama with my brand new green backpack

This is the Chinese Pizza Hut. You probably would not believe what they have here. They have incredibly insane stuff like cocktails, noodles, lemonade, other Chinese food and pizza. It was a really fancy place.

This is the advertisement at the Pizza Hut for breakfast

One last trip down Nanjing Road in Shanghai!!