Saturday 5 April 2014

April 1-5 - Inside My School

This is Joe at the airport on April 1st. He's leaving and after he was boarding the plane, we found out that he missed the plane. April Fools! He got the plane, and I wanted to say to you, Happy (late) April Fools Day!

This is me walking to school wearing my second uniform, which is red for Gandhi House, which is the color group that I'm in. The whole school is divided into four colors, green, yellow, blue and red. Each color has a house name. I know the red, because it's my color, and it stands for Gandhi House. The other houses are Tagore House, Nehru House, and Theresa House named after Mother Theresa.

This is a boy from Gandhi House playing the keyboard for the national anthem, the school anthem, and a religious song that we sing every morning at assembly.

These multicolored shirts represent the four houses. Every one stands in rows in front of their teacher. Boys and girls are in separate lines. Here we are in our class rows so we're all mixed up. Sometimes we stand with our houses.

This is one of the fourth grade classes having dance class. The boys are dancing while the girls are talking. The dance teacher, Mausami ma'am, has a dance room, but it is being fixed so we have to have dance class in our classrooms for now.

This is my homeroom, 4F. I am in the back corner, with my left hand up facing the camera. There are 47 kids in my class. I've made some friends, and some of them are in this picture. The boy on the left facing the camera is Avneesh, and the girl next to him with glasses also facing the camera, smiling, is the girl that called me cute on the first day. Her name is Sanvi.

This is the bulletin board for Gandhi House. It says "Gandhi House: Hard Work for Success" and under it are some drawings and words to achieve these goals.
These are two more posters on the Gandhi House bulletin board. This says "Working hard is important, but there is something that matters even more - Believing in Yourself - Harry Potter"

This one says "A beautiful life does not just happen, it is built by prayer, humility, sacrifice and hardwork.

This is me on the field during play time playing dodge ball. Dodge ball is different in India. Boys or girls stand around in a circle and then somebody picks a few boys to be in the middle. If you have the ball, you have to throw it at one of the kids in the middle of the circle, and it has to hit them below the waist.

This is an organized assembly of Gandhi house students. We're wearing only red and we're in rows, so it's more organized than the multicolored rows.

These are the four houses on the assembly field. One is green, one is yellow, one is red, and one is blue. Everyone is finished with assembly and waiting their turn to leave to their classrooms. After assembly a bell rings, and it's "0" period. We have 8 periods in a day. The subject teachers change classes and come to our room. We stay in the same room all day. During 0 period, we sit around the class talking and chatting with our home teacher. On the other hand, I'm going to the music room during 0 period because I was picked for a special chorus to sing for the birthday of the Director of the school in May.

This is me in the special chorus. I'm in red on the left, a little far away from a guy in blue, with my notepad and crayon box on top of each other, and I'm facing the teacher.

In the far right corner, the music teacher, Steve, is playing a guitar to a song we're singing called "The Days of Elijiah"

After school, I took a picture of one of the pages in my Hindi notebook, and this is what it looks like.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arjun,
    Were you embarrassed when that girl named Sanvi said you were cute?

    Love Tamsin***


Please let me know what you think!