Saturday 18 June 2016

Day 2 in Lisbon -

It's our second day in Lisbon and we just got up. We're taking a walk and Victormama pointed out how the streets are made of cool cobblestone, so I took this picture. 

Outside of our hostel, was a Restoration monument when Portugal restored its empire after the Spanish split the country and it was restored back to Portugal.

This is the castle of St. George, which we'll see when we come back to Lisbon in a week.

In the metro, we went to a African store, and here's mom holding a bag of beans.

 I got a can of Maaza Guava juice. They have this in India too!
We had custard cups again, and I didn't get to show you one last time, so here it is.

We took a trip out of Lisbon to see the National Palace of Queluz (pronounced "ka-looge")

It was the summer palace for the king and queen of Portugal in the 18th century, King Pedro the III.

We bought our ticket and went in. Inside was a beautiful chandelier,

and painting.

This is the broken organ in the chapel at the palace.

This was a bedroom of Pedro the IV, who was then became King of Brasil.

This is a bust of the queen.

This was a grandfather clock in the palace, 

and another clock.

This is a Chinese cabinet that they had in the palace. It's red and gold. They had lots of Chinese furniture from the Orient.

Portugal is famous for tiles. In a long hallway, there were many walls with tile pictures. In this one, is a little boy with no clothes on.

In the same hallway, was the King's carriage.

The member of the royal family had a unibrow, but I don't know who she was.

After we visited the palace, we went outside to the gardens.

I took a picture of the palace from the garden.

Across from the Palace, was a canal/river and it had a nice bridge with lots of tiles.

I picked something up off the ground, and it poked me. So I looks there, and it looked really cool like the world exploding, so I named it the "destroyer of worlds." It's from a tree.

They had a lot of cool things, and one of them was a fountain, so here I am washing my hands.

We went deeper into the labyrinth, and there was a statue with the head of a queen and the body of a lion.

Next to the lion lady, was a fountain of a queen sitting on a sea monster. 

Across from that fountain, was another fountain and it had really cool balls with serpents wrapped around them. 

After that, we were hungry, so we got paninis and after I got a popsicle called a Twister, with pineapple and strawberry flavoured popsicle with vanilla ice cream. 

We went back to Lisbon to eat, and we saw a chorus warming up singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and then singing about the upcoming World Cup Futbol match (Soccer!).

 We went down to the waterfront, and on the way was a cool ship on the wall of the bank of Portugal.
This is the entrance to the city of Lisbon from the commerce Plaza.

This is a statue of Joseph the First, 18th c, and next to it was a large, gigantic area blocked off with a huge flatscreen TV for people to watch the World Cup Soccer match!

 On the waterfront, I saw a couple of boats, so I zoomed in and got a shot

After that, we ate dinner, but it was getting cold, so I got a jacket which said Lisbon on it. You can see the World Cup match over my left shoulder.

After dinner it was time to go on an overnight bus to Spain. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arjun! Anne again. I remember those cobblestones. It rained during our visit and they were super slippery. Looks like you had only sunshine! The jacket looks awesome. I hope Portugal has done well in the soccer tournament. Everyone was watching it in Cuba too, even though baseball is their national sport.


Please let me know what you think!