Saturday 25 June 2016

Day trip to Obidos - Medieval citadel

Today, we're taking a day trip to Obidos (pronounced au-bee-dosh), which is a medieval citadel from the 8th century. This was a short train ride from Sao Martinho. Right outside the train station was a tile picture of the castle.

After a lot of climbing up the hill, we finally reached the gate, and obviously we took a picture.

After a little bit of zig-zagging around the entrance, we went into a stadium type theatre, and this was in it. It used to hold people for torture.

This was an old church which was turned into a really nice bookstore.

Across from it, was a gift shop where I got a cool wooden sword!

Here's a picture with my sword. It says Portugal on it.

After a little bit of walking trying to find the entrance to climb the wall around the top of the fort, we saw a drink shop, and mommy and Victormama got a Ginja which is a sour cherry wine.

We finally found the stairs to the wall, but right next to them was another street artist dressed up in black clothes with a hood, beak and cape like a plague doctor.

Once we got on the wall, Victormama noticed a man sitting on the wall, sketching the city.

This is a view from the top of the wall.

Through the wall, I took a picture of a windmill.

Once we got off of the wall, we wanted something to eat, so we went to a bunch of places, and one was a pastry and candy shop. This is a big pile of chocolate merengue. 

After eating lunch, we decided to walk some more and 5 minutes in, I saw a wall lined with beautiful flowers.  

Near there, was a small porcelain chef with a square cut in the middle of his chest, so I thought it would be cool to look like I was stabbing him. 

Some of the beautiful churches in the citadel.

Back at the train station, waiting for the train, I got bored. 

There was another tile picture at the station.

After we got home, we went back to Victormama's brother's house with some more of his relatives for dinner. This is a Duplo guy that Betsy, his niece, called Mr. Duplo. Next to it is a famous Portuguese soda called Sumol (pronounced small).

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