Wednesday 5 June 2013

Arjun's India and China Summer Adventures June 3-5, 2013

Arjun, JFK Airport, June 3, 2013

First day in airport. I sat on a $10,400 Harley Davidson motorcycle in the Harley Davidson shop in the JFK airport while waiting for our plane to Paris.

Air France plane, JFK, June 3, 2013

This is the plane I'm going on for my trip to Paris. It's a 7-hour trip. And it has a tv screen on the back of every chair. I met my new friend Cheeboy in the JFK airport. He's from Nigeria and lives next to a river. We played with our cameras in the airport, and I took a picture of our Air France plane. And I said goodbye to him, but it wasn't goodbye yet. He was going to Paris too! He sat just 5 seats away from me on the plane. But he wasn't going to India, he was going to Nigeria.
Me and Cheeboy, JFK
Me and my new friend, Cheeboy, JFK and Paris Airports
I played Play Station 3 with Cheeboy in the Paris Airport at gate K48 while waiting for my plane. Finally, we played on our iPad, then we finally had to say goodbye.  But his dad got our email address, so when I come back from India, maybe we can play together.  So, on our flight, this is really not funny, we had to sit on our tushes for 4 hours straight. Because our flight got delayed. Finally, the crazy plane announced that we could zip up our seatbelts and take off. That trip was 8 hours. to India. We got there at 3 o'clock in the morning.
Our Apartment in Ghaziabad, India outside of New Delhi (2nd Floor apt. on right)
Grandpa and Kulu on the balcony of our apartment
  When I met all my relatives, I said "pranam," which is a Hindi greeting to elders like my grandfather and grandmother and aunt and uncle. And I got to see little, cute, baby Kulu. She's only 2 and a half. She's my sister-cousin. She likes to play piggy back ride where she gets on my back and I shake her off on the bed.
Kulu, my cousin-sister

 We woke up at 5 am for our morning walk, and here are some things that I took pictures of on the walk.
Hanuman temple across the street from our house
 This is the Hanuman temple of the god which means strength and courage. Every morning and evening the bells ring.

Brand new grocery store near my house, June 5
This is a brand new grocery store in Ghaziabad, and it is called "Easy Day."
Park wood pavilion near my house, June 5
This is a brand new park right in front of our house in Ghaziabad. At 6 in the morning, we came and saw this pavilion made of wood, tree wood to be exact. This is me, mom, grandpa and grandma on our morning walk through the park.
Children playing cricket in the park

Girls sitting in the wood pavilion
Wild dogs sleeping in the park
 Outside the park, I saw some things on the street, like some different types of cars than in the U.S., street sellers, bicycle carts, rick-shaws, and even cows!

Boy carrying things in his bike cart

Auto rickshaw
Water jugs for public to drink from on the street
Cows on the street

Musk Melon Seller

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